

April 2006, Connecticut Storytelling Center
It all started when my family and I moved to Connecticut in 1990 from Japan. My husband had been transferred to his New York office for a short 4 year project. While I was living in the US, I was lucky enough to meet many people through the storytelling which lead on to some of the beautiful friendships that I have today. My Connecticut storytelling friends whom I call MY CT FAMILY gave me a lot of fantastic memories that I would never forget.

On Saturday, April 25th, 1992, I was performing at Connecticut Storytelling Festival. It was an unforgettable experience for me. I was so excited but also so nervous before my appearance on stage that my heart was pounding so fastc. Kate McClelland who sat next to me, tried to comfort me by holding my hand. She whispered gI feel youc.Are you OK? h Then she stepped up on stage and told the translation of my story as I was going to tell in Japanese later.

Towards the end of Katefs introduction for me, she said, gMasako loves hugs. She said her most favorite American custom was the hug. Please give her an American hug.h

Yes, it was true. Although Japanese people donft do it, since I had started to live in the US, I had found that the American Hug was nice, warm, and a friendly custom. I loved Peg O Sullivanfs strong hug and Paw-Pawfs soft cheek was like MOCHIc..Anyway, as the audience laughed hearing Katefs introduction, the hall was surrounded by this warm atmosphere.

As Kate called my name, I stepped up on to the stage. I was so surprised that the audience all smiled at me! They welcomed a Japanese storytellercsuch a small Japanese woman. My nervous feeling faded away. I started to tell in a confident voice, gAn Old Man with Lumph, the story of Japanese long nosed goblin Tengu, a nimble old man and a clumsy old man.

Wearing a Japanese farmerfs old style working cloth, I sang, danced and told the story in Japanese. Whatfs more, to my surprise, the American audience responded as if they understood Japanese language very well although they didnft at all. How marvelous their reaction was! With miraculously good timing, they laughed, they nodded. I was encouraged by such a wonderful audience.

I believe I have been enriched and empowered as a storyteller by American audience and my CT FAMILY. I was honored, and was happy to perform on a stage of the Connecticut Storytelling Festival.

After the performance, you could easily imagine what I received from the lovely audience.

Lots of, lots of hugs!